应我校水资源与环境学院邀请,美国新墨西哥州州立大学Kenneth C. Carroll教授通过网络线上为我校师生做多学科水文地质学的学术报告。
题目:Development and Application of Multidisciplinary Hydrogeology Research
时间:2022年9月27日 上午9:00-10:00
地点:Zoom会议号:825 1489 1211,(密码:20220927)
Kenneth C. Carroll教授简介:Kenneth C. Carroll is a Hydrology Professor in the Plant & Environmental Sciences Department and the Water Science & Management Graduate Program at New Mexico State University. He holds the Herb Ward Family Endowed Interdisciplinary Chair in Environmental and Water Science, and supports Environmental Science and Civil Engineering. His background spans both organic and inorganic geochemical hydrogeology. He obtained a Ph.D. in Hydrology & Water Resources at the University of Arizona with a focus in contaminant transport and groundwater remediation, and he has a Master’s in Environmental Geochemistry focusing on acid rock drainage and metal transport and fate associated with coal mining. His prior hydrology and geochemistry industry experience focused on some of the largest metal mines located around the world, he completed a postdoctoral appointment where he investigated subsurface heterogeneity impacts on groundwater remediation performance, and he spent a few years as a research scientist at the DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He utilizes multidisciplinary approaches to both research and teaching。